Your Next Level: Activation Session

This 90 minute Next Level Activation session with Kate combines a powerful hypnosis session with potent coaching techniques, and is your gateway to clarity and transformation.

If you're looking to make a significant leap in your life and/or your business, but aren't ready for a long-term coaching commitment, this is perfect for you…

This is meant for you if:

 You aren't necessarily ready for a long term 1:1 container but desire high level, 1:1 customized support.

 You KNOW you are meant for more, but feel like something is holding you back

 You want to fully connect with and embody your next level self, tap into powerful universal guidance and dissolve limiting beliefs in order to quantum leap into your next level self, life & business.

 You are ready to embody the version of you living your vision board life in order to supercharge your manifestations.

What To Expect:

Using my Hypno-Manifestation Method we will start by connecting to your highest self to receive guidance and clarity on your most authentic desires, identify and reprogram any limiting beliefs, powerfully embody your next level self in a deep hypnotic state, future encoding your manifestations into your subconscious mind, create an aligned action plan for next steps, routines and practices, and end with a feminine energy activation visualization focussed on receiving, allowing you to remain open and receptive to success, abundance, and opportunities moving forward.

Sessions are totally customized to you and your unique goals/needs.

Here's what's included:

Pre session questionnaire so I can learn more about you and your goals for the session 

 1 x 90 minute personalized 1:1 coaching & hypnosis session with me

 Pre session questionnaire so I can best serve & support you during our time together

 Your Next Level: 30 Day Manifestation Journal & Workbook

 5 days of Telegram access to help you fully integrate your session

 BONUS customized walking meditation



Your Investment: ➥ $333 pay in full only

Sessions can typically be scheduled within the week, and are guaranteed within 7 days. *Limited Availability*

$333.00 USD